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(850) 777-7797


University of California at Berkeley

B.A., M.A., Ph.D. South Asian Studies, Sanskrit. (12/07)


VDM Publishing, VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller. 11/10 

BOOK: N˜òŸvijñ˜naThe Crest-Jewel of ·yurveda

A Translation of Six Central Texts and an Examination of the Sources, Influence and Development

of Indian Pulse-Diagnosis.

Milestone Documents of World Religions, Schagler Group, Salem Press Inc. 10/10

Article Title: “Shiva Nataraja –Atbudha Dance.”

E-ASPAC  Electronic Journal for Asian Studies  12/ 09

 Article Title:  ““India’s RAW and Pakistan’s ISI: Implications of the Use of Proxy Armies in South Asia.”

SAGAR University of Texas at Austin, Volume 13, Fall 2004.

Article Title: “Philosophical Influence in Indian Medicine.”


Harvard University, Dept of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, March 7, 2008.

“From Pulse-Diagnosis through Indian Medicine to Tantric Anatomy.”


SASA South Asian Studies Association Third Annual Conference, April 2009.

University of Central Florida, Orlando

Paper Title: “India’s RAW and Pakistan’s ISI: Implications of the Use of Proxy Armies in South Asia.”

Harvard University, The Worldly Earth , March 19-20, 2004.

Paper Title: “Inverting the Paradigm: The Psycho-physiology of Ecology.”

University of Texas at Austin, Asian Studies Graduate Conference, October 1-2, 2004.

Paper Title: “Philosophical Influence in Indian Medicine.”

University of Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Jan 8-11, 04.

Paper Titles (two papers): “Fundamental Conceptual Underpinnings Shaping the

Ayurvedic Perspective” and “Legitimizing Vedic Medicine Using Western

Interpretive Modalities.”


Punarvasu Ayurveda Prabodhini/Shubham Ayurveda 

Original Sanskrit to English translation and exposition of V˜gbha÷a’s Aÿ÷˜ðga H®dayam  (1/11)

Intensive weekend/Fremont, CA.

Instructor:  University of California, Berkeley

Instructor of summer intensive course Āyurveda Based on the Sanskrit Literature. (July-August ’10)

Cancelled due lack of enrollment

Instructor:  Rutgers University, New Jersey

Instructor of summer intensive course Āyurveda Based on the Sanskrit Literature. (May-July ’09)

Graduate Student Instructor, UCB

Ancient Literature of South Asia. (Fall ’02-03)

Modern Literature of South Asia. (Spring ’02-03)

(Responsible for curriculum, texts, and grading of students.)

Faculty Assistant, University of Wisconsin -- SASLI

(South Asia Summer Language Institute)

Intermediate Sanskrit, Intensive Program. (Summer ’06)

*Course cancelled due to lack of enough applicants


Department of South Asian Studies Block Grants 2005-7

UCB Graduate Summer Fellowship 2005

DNTF (Dean’s Normative Time Fellowship) UCB, 2003-4

   Pune, Maharastra, India.

FLAS Summer Grant in Intermediate Hindi 2003

FLAS Academic Year Grant in Sanskrit 2002-2003

AIIS American Institute of Indian Studies Fellowship

   Sanskrit Language Fellowships, two summers ’02-‘01

   Deccan College, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Landour Language School, Musoorie, India. Hindi, Summer 2000/ Graduate grant.

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